Our Family Animals (more like my family animals)
Growing up I always wanted a dog! My mom said when you get married you can have all the animals you want. I did have a gold fish a time or too, my sister had hermit crabs, and our brother had a toad and a hamster. Well we have one cat, one dog and a rabbit. We have had several fish, 2 hermit crabs and turtle. I would say I am a cat person all the way. They are easy for the most part and we have been blessed with our cat. I don't have to clean a liter box because he will go to the door to go out side. He is declawed and fixed. He loves to go outside and rule the hood. My only problem with him is his schedule is the same as my alarm. So if my alarm isn't set he doesn't understand that. Danny hates the cat. He hates everything about the cat. He would get rid of him in a heart beat if I let him. Me no way! I would have another one at any time.
Then we have Delilah my little Shi Tzu. I have a love/hate relationship with her. As she sits here next to me waiting for a piece of roast beef. She was kind of bought on a whim. My friend was getting one for her girls for Christmas and I got all caught up in it. She is a super super good dog. I dont' think I could get a better dog. When she was younger and you would tell her it was night night she would go get into her crate and sleep all night. Now if you ask her if she wants to go night night, she will put her paws up on Brookes ladder and wait for you to put her up on the bed and she will sleep up there all night. She never ever barks!!! She might bark randomly if you don't let her in after she used the restroom. My issue with her is she has to be groomed about every 5 weeks, I always push that and go 8. We haven't gotten her fixed so about every 6 months she has to wear panties and pads and I have to change those. What a pain. I hate it!! Another thing was last year the only time we ever had trouble with fleas!! We hadn't had any trouble before and man last year I wasted so much money on all kinds of flea and tick brands. This year we will start with a good one and not mess with it. I almost had a break down over it I don't deal well with bugs of any kind, fleas, ants, ect. Praying we don't have that issue this year or I might be in an institution. She loves loves our cat and our rabbit. She will clean both of them and loves to sit at the rabbits cage and just wait for him to come out and play with her. It is a sight for sure. Danny acts like he doesn't like her but I have seen him play with her and love on her.
Now our latest purchase is one I did not want. I begged Brookie to change her mind for her bday. But nope and I had no backing from my spouse on this one. It's a rabbit it is easy. Ha!! Brooke said she would take care of it and clean it's cage! Ha!! I can't stand the rabbit, yes it is very cute to look at. But his cage has to be cleaned every other day and it stinks. Granted it only takes about 10 minutes but still. My husband said that is his favorite animal we have. Easy and low maintenance. WHATEVER! I cringe everytime I look at it. I just cleaned his cage and put him out on the front porch for some fresh air. Hence what prompted this blog post.
So some-days my mood varies on what my animals have done that day!!! Ah animals and their personalities.
I didn't like our rabbits, and that's why they are gone. Madison asked to show a rabbit for 4H again this year, and I'm stalling as long as I can. LOL
ReplyDeleteDid danny research how long rabbit's can live ? Lol it's a long time!