Thursday, March 19, 2015

So, why not try and blog?!  Ummm, because I will probably not be very good at it.  Or my family will be mortified at some of what I post about them.  Or, be it I am a terrible speller, not that great at grammar! English class wasn't my best subject.  I could pull some report cards to verify that!  (though my kids think I was awesome at school)  To be honest I wanted to try and blog becasue I know there are mom's out there that experience or do things as a mom that they thought they would NEVER have to do !!!  We will get into some of those stories in another post.  I have to see how this is going to work before I post some of my stories about my 16 year old daughter!!!  Those are my best ones so far.  But to start let me tell you, when I googled images for my picture I about choked on my coffee, and let me say it takes a whole lot to shock me. I didn't become a Christian until I was in my 30's.  I have seen and done a lot, and it has made me who I am.  All I typed in was images of Mom's drinking coffee!!!! Ha don't ever type that in.  Some of the images that popped up were surprising to say the least.  I had to double check and make sure I hadn't typed in Naughty images of Mom's drinking coffee. 

I am not sure how much I will blog.  Sometimes it may be once a day, once a week, etc.  Other times it may be multiple times a day!!  Some of the things that go on in this house would make a great comedy sitcom.  Believe me I can't make some of this stuff up!!! We often say that if our family was a reality show it would be a winner.  If you get offended easily or like to judge others then I suggest this be your only post you read because I can't promise anything from here on out!

Anyone can find the dirt in someone.  Be the one that finds the gold.  Proverbs 11:27

Much Love,

That Crazy Mom of 3!!!!

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